Finances can be a topic that is hard to talk about but it is more so about the flow and the abundance that moves through each and every one of us.
To make a difference for our “financial selves”, we must lift our minds to a different place. We can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness where it was created.
So many of us worry and stress about finances. Maybe early on you went out and started to chase a certain financial status and you are still engaged in that chase. What many of us don’t realize is that we’re chasing something that we’re already swimming in.
Whatever your idea of the Infinite is, whether it is a God, Spirit or life, we need to look to our highest possible power, which ultimately is an energy that is living and moving in all of us. Once we recognize this energy we can then declare what our truth is, what our desires are and we can declare it has already happened. If we can get to the point where we believe it is already done, we can be grateful for it and let it go.
The truth is, all of us are swimming in the Infinite and abundance is within all of us. We see it in our daily lives by just breathing. We breathe in the good and exhale the bad. It is so natural to us that sometimes we forget we are doing this every few seconds. Abundance is not something you acquire, it’s something you tune into. Just like our abilities to breathe in the good and exhale the bad and our abundance of air.
If you’re struggling with finances, the place to start is to pay attention to the abundance in your life. Once you begin paying attention to what you do have, you’ll discover the presence of good.
Consider 100 years ago, for instance. The world was entirely different. To get what we needed, hard labor had to be put in. Today, thanks to technology, we have appliances that can handle the hard labor for us. We are blessed by the abundance of appliances that bring us convenience.
As we focus on paying attention to abundance, we take the time to think about it and lift our consciousness into an idea of gratitude and awareness of the richness and beauty that is always moving around us.
We challenge you to release those negative thoughts and focus on the abundance of what you have and you’ll see your finances begin to change.