The Benefits of Belonging

Center for Spiritual Living Midtown members are saying:

This community, both local and global, offers an opportunity to experience significant personal growth.


  • I am supported and encouraged to change my thinking and change my life. The changes are mine, but I am sustained and encouraged in many ways to focus on my personal health, wealth, love and creativity.
  • I am part of a community of like-minded individuals who offer me connection and interaction with the teachings of the Centers for Spiritual Living (International Organization). I can connect at in-person Sunday Celebrations in Atlanta or on Zoom.
  • I have access to affirmative support through interaction with the Center’s licensed practitioners .
  • I am entitled to vote on matters of protocol and procedures at the Center, giving me a voice in my own spiritual community.
  • As my personal experience in the Center flourishes, I may choose to become more involved in the health and prosperity of my Center.
  • I may attend classes offered by the Center and may take advantage of member discounts.
  • I have access to the supportive programs offered by the National Organization for Centers for Spiritual Living.

As a member, I understand that I am a part of the interactive flow of abundance that is part of the Center for Spiritual Living Midtown. I will contribute to the Center’s prosperity by :

  • Maintaining a personal spiritual practice that suits my life and goals.
  • Attending Sunday Celebrations, either virtually or in person as often as possible.
  • Finding the right place for me within the Center’s activities to volunteer
  • Supporting the Center financially to the best of my ability in thanks for the support it has offered me.

Become a Member

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